Jul 11, 2011

Dinosaurs: The Pentaceratos and Parasaurolophus


The Pentaceratops was a rhinoceros like plant-eating dinosaur. It walked on four Bulky legs and had three horns on its face along with a large bony plate coming from the top of it's head.Pentaceratops lived during the late cretaceous period, about 75-65 million years ago.Pentaceratops was an herbivore, a plant eater. Pentaceratops was discovered by paleontologist Henry F. Osborn in 1923. Fossilized Pentaceratops skulls have been found in New Mexico  USA.


 Parasaurolophus was a bus-sized dinosaur that had a long, bony head crest that may have used to make sounds. This plant eating dinosaur lived during the late cretaceous period, about 76-65 million years ago.Parasaurolophus means "beside crested lizard." It was named by Dr. William A. Parks in 1922. Parasaurolophus fossils have been found in North
America. (Alberta Canada, And in Mexico,)

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