Jul 11, 2011

Dinosaurs: Sauropods

Sauropod means "Lizard footed".  Sauropods were basically four legged, large, herbivores.  They had long necks, small heads with blunt teeth, and long tails for counter-balancing their necks. Their nostrils were located on the top of the skull, some very close to their eyes.  Some of the later Sauropods had large and heavy like body armor. 

Why were their necks so long?
No one No's exactly why the Sauropods had such long necks.  The longest neck of a sauropod on reord was a  MAMENCHISAURUS, who's neck was 46 feet long, over half of the dinosaurs body length.  Some Sauropods kept their neck stance up like the modern day girraffe does now. Like the UltrasaurosSauroposeidon, and the  Brachiosaurus.  While otherskept their neck parallel to the ground. Like Diplodocids.                                                                                                         

Sauropods appeared in the late Triassic period.  They became extict by the Cretacious period. (65 million years ago.)  Sauropods have been found in every continet except for Antartica.  They are the largest land animals ever discovered. 

Some of the Dinosaurs in te Sauropod period are:

Amargosaurus, Apatosaurus, Barosaurus, Branchiosaurus, Camarasaurus, Diplodocus,  Jenenschia, Mamenchisaurus, Paralittan, Quaesitosaurus, Saltasaurus, Seismosaurus, Supersaurus, Ultrasaurus, Vulcanodon, and Zigongosaurus. 

And I am sure that there will be more Sauropods found in the future!    

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